UCLA Dean for Students Appointed 太平洋 VP for 学生生活

玛丽亚问. Blandizzi

玛丽亚问. Blandizzi has been appointed vice 总统 for student life at 博彩平台网址大全

加州大学洛杉矶分校学生事务主任玛丽亚. Blandizzi, 45岁时的重要学生生活领袖,5000名学生的国立大学, has been appointed vice 总统 for student life at 博彩平台网址大全, 官方今天宣布. 

Blandizzi has led a 60-person student life team at UCLA since 2014, overseeing a wide array of student services and activities, 包括学生行为, ”项目, 学生校友项目, 家庭接触, 可访问性, 金融健康, 第九条, 危机应对和校园氛围. She also serves as advisor to student government leaders. 

“Dr. Blandizzi brings to 太平洋 a depth and breadth of experience, a profound passion for understanding the complex issues impacting 学生 and a commitment to building an engaging and supportive campus community,格雷格·博德曼说, former vice provost for student affairs at Stanford University and a Regent-elect at 太平洋 who served on the 搜索 committee. 

加州大学洛杉矶分校, Blandizzi established a 金融健康 program, 扩大危机应对小组, advocated for creating nonbinary gender categories in university systems, expanded free meal programs and led efforts to recruit diverse first-year and transfer 学生. She also contributed regularly to the Daily Bruin campus newspaper on critical student issues. 

在担任学生事务主任之前, Blandizzi was executive director for student services initiatives at the university. U.S. 新闻 & 《博彩平台网址大全排名》将加州大学洛杉矶分校列为第一. 全国第一所公立大学, and Times Higher Education ranks the university as the 15th best in the world. 

"Maria Blandizzi combines the extraordinary gift of being an outstanding administrator with a genuinely warm heart. She treats each student and their family as if they are her sole concern."

“Maria Blandizzi combines the extraordinary gift of being an outstanding administrator with a genuinely warm heart,加州大学洛杉矶分校校长吉恩·布洛克说. “She treats each student and their family as if they are her sole concern. We will sorely miss her presence at UCLA; however, we are proud of her taking on a leadership role at the 博彩平台网址大全.” 

2011年加入加州大学洛杉矶分校之前, Blandizzi was director of special projects for the vice chancellor of student affairs at University of California San Francisco and before that served as a student affairs policy and program analyst for the University of California Office of the President. 

She earned her doctorate in education from the Rossier School of Education at USC and her MA in education from Columbia University. She holds undergraduate degrees in sociology and anthropology from University of California Irvine. 

“It is an incredible honor to assume this position at 太平洋 at this moment in our history,布兰迪斯说. “I was immensely impressed with the number of constituents that participated in the 搜索 process, which affirmed for me the laser focus 主席卡拉汉 and the campus community has on centering the student experience in all aspects of the university’s operation.” 

“I will aim to bring visionary leadership to the Division of 学生生活, 与校园伙伴进行战略性思考, 学生, faculty and staff in ways that bring out the best in our community, and to show up for 学生 in ways that demonstrate our care and belief in them,她接着说. “这项工作需要我们所有人的努力. I look forward to engaging in a series of conversations to hear the community’s perspectives and experiences. I am so ready to get to work and continue the long legacy of what it means to be a 太平洋an.” 

President Christopher Callahan called Blandizzi the perfect match for 太平洋. 

“Dr. Blandizzi brings extraordinary expertise in engaging and supporting 学生 at the highest levels, 还有同理心, a true sense of the importance of collaboration and an inspiring energy level,他说. “我们的学生将从Dr. Blandizzi的领导.” 

She will start her 太平洋 career living in student residential housing on the Stockton campus. 

Blandizzi is the latest new member of 太平洋’s leadership team. 

卡拉汉10个月前加入这所大学 总统 after 15 years as dean and vice provost at Arizona State University. Liz Orwin, head of engineering at Harvey Mudd College, was named dean of the School of Engineering and Computer Science 本月初. Mary Wardell-Ghirarduzzi, vice provost for diversity at University of San Francisco, was appointed 太平洋’s inaugural vice 总统 for diversity, equity and inclusion 上个月. Christopher Ferguson, an enrollment strategist from Occidental College, started in September as 太平洋’s vice 总统 for enrollment management.  

太平洋, California’s first university with campuses in Stockton, 萨克拉门托和旧金山, 排名第一的是. 18 university in the West by The Wall Street Journal and Times Higher Education.